HIIT: Oh Snatch! • Jen Gaudette • 40 min
30 min
Get ready to sweat! Three rounds of HIIT focusing on full body power exercises, geared to elevate your heart rate and fire up your core.
Suggested Props: A set of dumbbells
Up Next in 30 min
Feldenkrais: Hip Fluidity • Didi Von ...
Find new space in the hips through gentle movements connecting pelvis and spine that will allow the hips to open without stretching or strain. Feldenkrais® engages the brain’s natural neuroplasticity to build new connections that allow tight muscles to release for fluid and efficient movement.
Yoga in Spanish: Fuego Interno • Sara...
Activa tu fuego interno y desafíate con este flow corto de 30 minutos. Un viaje por los guerreros y los diferentes saludos al sol. Ideal que tengas bloques y cinta para modificar las posturas. Te invito a fluir juntos y renovar las energías del cuerpo.Props: Bloques y cuerda
Meditation: The Seven Point Posture O...
This session introduces the Seven Point Posture of Viarochana, a traditional meditation posture used commonly in Vajrayana Buddhism. The seven points implicit in the title are introduced in order. A meditation practice introducing each of the points is then given.