Feldenkreis: Lubricating the Hips • Didi von Deck • 40 min
Increasing mobility of the pelvis and hips will allow you to move like a well-oiled machine. We'll gradually go from lying on the floor to a more upright position to help your pelvis find its optimal alignment and allow for easier walking, running, and moving as you want!
No props suggested.
Up Next in Feldenkrais
Feldenkrais: Rolling and Rounding • D...
Rolling, rounding and lengthening will organize your back muscles and spinal vertebrae to reduce stiffness and pain and improve posture, balance and flexibility.
Suggested Props Blanket or Towel -
Feldenkrais: Becoming Taller through ...
Find more length in your spine and neck through gentle folding of your chest, belly and spine.
Suggested props: block or cushion to sit on -
Feldenkrais: Oiling the hip joints • ...
Find mobility and strength in the lower back and pelvis in this class done while sitting on the floor. Your hips will feel well oiled and your hamstrings will feel long and relaxed. Great for walking, running, hiking and skiing.
Suggested props: Blankets to sit on