Iyengar: Twisting Poses to Ignite Your Practice • Claire Carroll • 30 min
Twists are powerful poses to erode physical and mental blockages. Practicing with a chair can help us to establish a stable base, elongate the spine, and twist from the tight spots in our torso
Suggested props: Chair.
Up Next in Iyengar
Iyengar: Simple leg stretches • Nadja...
This sequence focuses on stretching the legs, primarily the hamstrings and inner thighs. The sequence also focuses on bringing length to the spine and lift to the pelvis. It can be practiced on its own, to prepare for a longer practice, or to stretch the legs after a run or other activity.
Sugges... -
Iyengar: Stability and Ease while Sta...
Learn techniques for bringing stability and ease to body and mind in Vrksasana (tree pose), Ardha Chandrasana (half-moon pose) and Virabhadrasana III (warrior III).
Suggested props: chair, two blocks, wall space -
Covid recovery sequence: Introduction...
Recovering from Covid-19, even the "mild" variant, can be challenging. This sequence is built on the work of Lois Steinberg, and the Iyengar yoga Association of the UK Therapeutics Committee. They both produced resources in spring of 2020, links below. (I highly recommend especially the booklet t...