Iyengar: 10-Minute Stretch • Shara Lewis • 10 min
15 and under
Take this class on its own, or as an add-on to another class. This class focuses on stretching the legs and extending the spine. Because it is entirely performed while lying on your back, it can be a restorative class.
Suggested Props: belt
Up Next in 15 and under
Meditation: Box Breathing • Charles J...
Discover what deep, intentional, and metered breathing can do for your peace of mind. Whether you are brand new to meditation and/or breath-work or have been practicing for years, this simple practice is for you.
Suggested Props: pillow, cushion, or bolster
Power: Crow pose (Bakasana) Tutorial ...
Move through preparatory poses to build a strong foundation to fly into the arm balance bakasana (Crow Pose). Brittney will take you through a mini sequence that invites you to discover the balance and alignment to lift into your crow!
Suggested Props: one block, one blanket
Iyengar: Relaxation in Supine Bound A...
Enjoy a guided meditation and short restorative practice while set up in Supine Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasa). Cultivates inner stillness, while opening of the hips and heart, and is helpful in increasing lateral mobility in the knees. Add this class before or after any class or take th...