Feldenkreis: Lubricating the Hips • Didi von Deck • 40 min
45 min
Increasing mobility of the pelvis and hips will allow you to move like a well-oiled machine. We'll gradually go from lying on the floor to a more upright position to help your pelvis find its optimal alignment and allow for easier walking, running, and moving as you want!
No props suggested.
Up Next in 45 min
Flow in Spanish: Hombros y Caderas • ...
En esta clase de yoga vinyasa flow en español nos enfocaremos en abrir la linea del frente del cuerpo. También en abrir y fortalecer la espalda y los hombros. Esto nos ayudará a mejoras las posturas de arcos o backbending. Y abrir el corazón!
Props sugeridos: Bloques y Cinto
Yoga Sculpt: Throwback • Meredith Eva...
Your heart rate will rise as we move to JT, Backstreet Boys and Brit plus many more! High repetition upper body moves, body weight and cardio!
Suggested props: Weights
Flow: Follow your Flow • Franny Diaz-...
This class begins and ends slowly, but in the middle is a breath and movement flow playing with funky transitions from warrior 1 to chair, to chair twist, to half moon. It’s not a Franny class without a half moon! We will end with Marichyasana variations and peacefully seated.
Suggested props: ...