Power: Detox Twist • Sami Lea Konczewski • 45 min
45 min
Wring yourself out with this twisty Power Flow with Sami. You'll visit a steep mountain of twists moving from the earth to the sky. All levels welcome!
Suggested Props: 2 blocks
Up Next in 45 min
Slow Flow: Moving Meditation • Marina...
Power: Revitalize • Brittney Burgess ...
Nourish your body with deep breaths, strong movements and intentional focus. Flow through this 45 minute power flow with Brittney to awaken a vibrant, charged energy through a strong, upbeat sequence of sun salutations, twists, core strengthening and heart opening.
Suggested Props: 2 blocks
Power: Hands Down, Sky High • Sami Le...
The journey towards handstand moves through peaks and valleys. Discovering sweet moments of joy in the shape are often balanced by moments of fear, anticipation, frustration, and exhaustion. We've all heard the cliches about the journey being more important than the destination, but they're out t...