Power Flow: It’s a Burner • Franny Diaz-Gilligan • 50 min
Franny Diaz-Gilligan
A well paced heating sequence that focuses on balancing. You will be with your breath, heartbeat, and legs, while flowing and eventually transitioning from Virabhadrasana III, Warrior III to Ardha Chandra Chapasana, Sugarcane Pose. It’s a burner!
Suggested props: Blocks and a Blanket
Up Next in Franny Diaz-Gilligan
Flow: Follow your Flow • Franny Diaz-...
This class begins and ends slowly, but in the middle is a breath and movement flow playing with funky transitions from warrior 1 to chair, to chair twist, to half moon. It’s not a Franny class without a half moon! We will end with Marichyasana variations and peacefully seated.
Suggested props: ...
Power: Range of Motion • Franny Diaz-...
Tap into a strong foundation in each of your poses while exploring your range of motion in both your body and your breath. Begin on your back, move through Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A), and flow through a series of standing poses, plank variations, and some flips and backbends before endin...
Flow: Focus on the Feet • Franny Diaz...
This uplifting Flow class will work with a number of big toe poses. You’ll do them reclined, in forward folds, on your side body, and standing, working towards Utthita Hasta Padangustasana (Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose). Expect a nice balance of moving through shapes and holding shapes. Each sha...