Restorative: Evening Wind Down • Tristan Binns • 30 Minutes
This shorter practice will prepare your body and mind for a quiet evening or sleep at the end of the day, and can also be useful at any time to calm a racing mind or restless body.
You will need 3-4 blankets (towels will work too) and a chair of any kind (a sofa or armchair will work too), and a strap and eye cover are optional.
Up Next in Iyengar
Iyengar: Best of Back Care with Clair...
This video includes a set of streamlined poses to relax, lengthen, and mobilize the spine.
All levels class
Suggested props: Two chairs -
Iyengar: Standing Poses with a foldin...
Use your folding or yoga chair to enhance common standing poses - Downward Facing Dog, Standing Forward Fold, Triangle and Side Angle, Parsvottanasana, and a very lifted Bridge pose, as well as a truly deeply relaxing Savasana. Any folding chair should work. You will want to be at a wall as well....
Iyengar: Harmonizing pairs of opposit...
In the Iyengar system we use oppositional movements to create space and freedom in the body. For example, as we extend one part of the body in one direction, we offset it with an equal and opposite movement in the other direction. This class explore that principle in a variety of poses.