Breaking Down Bakasana (Crow pose) • Kate Heffernan • 7 min
Kate Heffernan
7m 45s
This practice will lead practitioners through several variations on how to do bakasana using blocks & a blanket.
Suggested props: 2 Blocks and Blanket
Up Next in Kate Heffernan
Flow: Outer Hip Flow • Kate H • 60 min
This flow practice will work to strengthen & mobilize the muscles of the outer hip through standing & balancing poses.
Suggested props: Two blocks & a blanket
Flow: Stuck in a Chair • Kate Heffern...
Join Kate Heffernan for a brief practice to designed for when you are chair bound. We’ll work to move & open the spine, shoulders, neck, & outer hips - all without leaving your chair!
Suggested Props: Sturdy Chair
Prepare to Stand on your Hands • Kate...
Join Kate Heffernan for this short flow style tutorial towards handstand. This practice will work in a thoughtful way to create the building blocks needed to move in the direction of going upside down & standing on your hands.