Paulina Haduong
Beloved Ashtanga teacher, Harvard PhD candidate and yogi, Paulina fell in love with the repetitive rhythms of Mysore when they first started graduate school, after having practiced vinyasa yoga since 2006. As a queer, Vietnamese teacher and education expert, Paulina strives to create inclusive opportunities for all bodies to engage in playful, mindful movement.
Urdhva Dhanurasana • Paulina Haduong • 15 minutes
Ashtanga teacher Paulina Haduong teaches how to safely get into Urdhva Dhanurasana, upward facing bow, sometimes known as wheel pose. This is an intense backbend, and this practice is recommended after another full practice or warmup.
Flow: All-levels Ashtanga Flow • Paulina Haduong • 45 minutes
A 45-minute Ashtanga flow that includes many of the primary series poses. Suggested props: 2 blocks.
Ashtanga: Intermediate Series Exploration • Paulina Haduong • 60 minutes
Ashtanga: Introduction to Primary Series • Paulina Haduong • 45 Minutes
A class for those with an existing yoga practice looking to explore the Ashtanga lineage and get rooted in the fundamentals.
Ashtanga: One Hour Primary Series • Paulina Haduong
Sun Salutations warm the body and build an inner heat that detoxifies the physical body and empowers the energetic body. As our attention is drawn inward, the practice rises from the tristhana (union of movement, breath, and focus). Asanas (poses) strengthen and unlock the body while the ujjayi (...