Flow: Follow your Flow • Franny Diaz-Gilligan • 35 min
This class begins and ends slowly, but in the middle is a breath and movement flow playing with funky transitions from warrior 1 to chair, to chair twist, to half moon. It’s not a Franny class without a half moon! We will end with Marichyasana variations and peacefully seated.
Suggested props: Blanket and Blocks
Up Next in Power
Power: Spring Flow • Franny Diaz Gill...
This energizing practice with Franny is perfect for awakening your body to warmth, just in time for Spring. You’ll get engaged & springy in your lower body, while still opening up throughout your upper half too. There is a balance between breath and movement, and time to hold a shape, breath,...
Power Flow: Vinyasa • Sara Bravo • 60...
In this flow, we're getting to grips with the feeling of being upside-down. This is very much for all levels, take it easy and do what feels right for you.
Suggested Props: Blocks strap and Blanket.
Power Flow: Figure Four Flow • Brittn...
Get your heart rate up, your body moving and your mind focused in this strong and fun flow that weaves in core work, hip-opening (play with the Figure 4 shape!), and balance.
Suggested props: 2 blocks