Kids yoga: Keep the sea plastic free! • Emily Sullivan • 30 min
30 min
This class includes a reading of Ammu’s Bottle Boat and a yoga sequence celebrating ocean life.
Suggested props: Mat and 2 blocks
Up Next in 30 min
Feldenkrais: Hip Opening with Ease • ...
Lose the struggle and find a way to soften the back and mobiize the pelvis to allow the hips to rotate and move without effort.
Iyengar: Stability and Ease while Sta...
Learn techniques for bringing stability and ease to body and mind in Vrksasana (tree pose), Ardha Chandrasana (half-moon pose) and Virabhadrasana III (warrior III).
Suggested props: chair, two blocks, wall space -
Iyengar: Let's Twist Again • Nadja Re...
In this sequence, Tristan and Nadja take you through 4 seated twists. We focus on maintaining length in the spine as we twist and show different ways to work in the poses. The sequence finishes with two ways to do Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle pose) and a symmetrical standing pose.