S&C: Lower Body Basic Burn • Susan LoPiccolo • 20 min
30 min
Get ready to fire up your lower body. No matter what your level this class will work your thighs, glutes, hips and test your balance.
Suggested Props: Weights and Resistance bands
Up Next in 30 min
Feldenkrais: Rolling and Rounding • D...
Rolling, rounding and lengthening will organize your back muscles and spinal vertebrae to reduce stiffness and pain and improve posture, balance and flexibility.
Suggested Props Blanket or Towel -
Flow: Better than Coffee! • Sara Brav...
Designed to help you cultivate strength and stamina.This type of practice invites you to use the power tools of breath, movement and discipline to start your day feeling your best self!
Suggested Props: 2 Blocks
Iyengar: The Neck and Shoulders • Cla...
For many of us, tension tends to accumulate in the neck and shoulders. This can result from daily activities but also sometimes from the way we position the head and the neck in our yoga postures. In this session, we explore ways to establish freedom in those areas, while also strengthening them....