Iyengar: Standing Poses with a folding chair 40 min Tristan Binns
45 min
Use your folding or yoga chair to enhance common standing poses - Downward Facing Dog, Standing Forward Fold, Triangle and Side Angle, Parsvottanasana, and a very lifted Bridge pose, as well as a truly deeply relaxing Savasana. Any folding chair should work. You will want to be at a wall as well.
Suggested props: 1 block, 3 blankets, 1 folding chair
Level: Intermediate
Up Next in 45 min
Feldenkreis: Lubricating the Hips • ...
Increasing mobility of the pelvis and hips will allow you to move like a well-oiled machine. We'll gradually go from lying on the floor to a more upright position to help your pelvis find its optimal alignment and allow for easier walking, running, and moving as you want!
No props suggested.
Flow in Spanish: Hombros y Caderas • ...
En esta clase de yoga vinyasa flow en español nos enfocaremos en abrir la linea del frente del cuerpo. También en abrir y fortalecer la espalda y los hombros. Esto nos ayudará a mejoras las posturas de arcos o backbending. Y abrir el corazón!
Props sugeridos: Bloques y Cinto
Yoga Sculpt: Throwback • Meredith Eva...
Your heart rate will rise as we move to JT, Backstreet Boys and Brit plus many more! High repetition upper body moves, body weight and cardio!
Suggested props: Weights