Flow: Hand to Big Toe Pose - A Master Class Kate Heffernan
60 min
Join Kate for a master class in exploring hand to big toe pose (supta padangustasana 1). We'll start with this pose under the easiest of circumstances & keep shifting it in space to create more & more dire circumstances in that same exact pose.
All Levels class
Suggested props: Two Blocks & One Strap
Up Next in 60 min
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60 minutes to integrate and harmonize
Suggested props: 2 Blocks
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Flow: Sweet, strong, summer flow! Bri...
Start off your summer with a well-rounded flow that invites you to discover moments of both strength and sweet release. Move, breathe and offer yourself this hour of mindful movement!
Suggested props: 2 blocks, bolster or blanket
Levels: All levels -
Power Flow: Journey into Power with G...
Flow classes ask you to understand your relationship to intensity and challenge. In exploring your physical, emotional and mental edge, you will need to cultivate focus, curiosity, and compassion, so that what starts as a struggle becomes a source of self-knowledge.
Suggested props: Blocks