Ashtanga: Some Primary, Some Second • Didi von Deck • 50 Minutes
60 min
The perfect practice for when you sleep through the 6am Mysore alarm. Some primary poses mixed with some second series poses provide a well rounded practice rooted in breath, bandha and drishti.
Up Next in 60 min
Restorative: Hips and Spine • David M...
David Magone guides a 50 minute low to the ground restorative practice for the hips and spine, as well as signature "bio hacking" techniques to reduce stress. This is the perfect class to end your work week.
Ashtanga: One Hour Primary Series • P...
Sun Salutations warm the body and build an inner heat that detoxifies the physical body and empowers the energetic body. As our attention is drawn inward, the practice rises from the tristhana (union of movement, breath, and focus). Asanas (poses) strengthen and unlock the body while the ujjayi (...
Power: Open Hips • Shawna Lemelman • ...
Losing yourself in your body as you create shapes with your breath as you flow through a sequence of poses.
Intermediate Level
Suggested props: 2 blocks