Ashtanga: Drop Backs • Didi von Deck • 35 min
Dropping back into and then standing up from a backbend can be fun and empowering, and you don’t need to be a gymnast! This class starts by warming up the back, legs, and shoulders. You’ll then use a wall as a prop to practice this skill on your own.
Suggested Props: A Blank Wall
Up Next in Ashtanga
Ashtanga: Twisting: Marichasana C and...
Twisting increases the mobility of your spine, cleanses and detoxifies your organs and inner body, and aids digestion. In the ashtanga primary series, twisting in Marichasana C and D with arms bounds is challenging, but in this class we will go over variations of earlier twists in the series an...
Ashtanga: Pain Free Wrists, Elbows an...
Yoga can be hard on the wrists, elbows, and shoulders. Here are some warms ups for these delicate joints to help you prevent or rehab from injury.
Suggested Props: block, 3-5 pound weight.
Ashtanga: Core with Navasana Variatio...
These variations of Navasana (or Boat pose) will help you find and develop uddiyana bandha and build a strong core.
Suggested props: none