Flow: (Part 1) Anchor & Open • Brittney Burgess • 30 min
Brittney Burgess
(Part One) This strong flow offers a focus on hip strengthening and opening, utilizing Warriors II and III woven into your Sun Salutations. You get to experience both the anchor of your feet on the earth and your strong legs supporting you, right alongside the opportunity to soften and open in asanas including lizard and half pigeon. This flow can stand alone, or can be coupled with the "Rise ad Shine" heart opening flow (Part 2) for a longer practice!
Suggested props: 2 blocks
Up Next in Brittney Burgess
Flow: Stabilize and Soften • Brittne...
Stabilize your core and open from a strong center! This floor-based practice offers you several core strengtheners and heart openers, followed by restorative asanas to both energize and soften. This practice can complement a longer flow or stand-alone.
Sugggested Props: 2 Blocks
Power Flow: Float & Flow • BrittneyB ...
Infuse some joy and play into your flow! Brittney will guide you through a power vinyasa class with a focus on creating the building blocks to play with arm balancing. This class offers a challenging flow leading to the opportunity to play with the arm balance Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2 (Hurdlers ...
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In this flowing sequence, coordinate the movement of your breath with the movement of your body in a way that allows you to intentionally place your mind and body in each asana with care.
Suggested props: 2 Blocks