Flow: (Part 2) Rise & Shine • Brittney Burgess • 20 mins
(Part Two) Join Brittney for this backbending class. Pracice both prone and supine backbends, from locust/floor bow variations to a bridge series that builds a foundation of support to rise from as you practice these heart openers! This practice leads to the peak pose of Wheel, Urdhva Dhanurasana and offers Savasana in supported fish. This practice can stand alone, or can follow "Anchor and Open" (Part One) for a longer flow.
Suggested props: 2 blocks, 1 bolster or blanket
Up Next in Flow
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Cultivate a solid foundation that supports light and lifted posture.
Suggested Props: Blocks if desired for balancing.
Prepare to Stand on your Hands • Kate...
Join Kate Heffernan for this short flow style tutorial towards handstand. This practice will work in a thoughtful way to create the building blocks needed to move in the direction of going upside down & standing on your hands.
Flow: Quick Twists • Franny Diaz-Gill...
Whenever you are in your day, this practice will invite energy in while you twist and flow. You will begin right away with some unique twisting Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A). These twists will be incorporated throughout the rest of class along with belly down backbends and hip-opening. Your...