Flow: Sensing Center • Hannah Adams • 75 min
1h 14m
This class flows through hip-opening, back-bending, balancing, twisting, and folding postures. As we bring the body through such a variety of shapes and transitions, we will utilize breath and inclusive awareness to gain a deeper sense of our center and navigate with more ease and being on the mat.
Suggested props: 2 blocks or sturdy books, strap, blanket or towel, bolster or pillow
Up Next in Flow
Flow: Side Crow (bakasana) Tutorial •...
Refine the basic elements of your entrance into Bakasana (Crow Pose). One step at a time, practice patience and breath.
Flow: Splits and Backbends • Hannah A...
Enjoy this Flow class filled with movement, moments of stillness, and breath. Work gradually through a few lunge and split variations, Ardha Ustrasana (Half Camel Pose), flip-dogs, and Urdhva Dhanurasana (Upward-Facing Bow Pose).
Suggested props: Two blocks or sturdy books, strap or belt, bolste...
Flow: Stabilize and Soften • Brittne...
Stabilize your core and open from a strong center! This floor-based practice offers you several core strengtheners and heart openers, followed by restorative asanas to both energize and soften. This practice can complement a longer flow or stand-alone.
Sugggested Props: 2 Blocks