Flow: Cool down • Sara Bravo • 25 min
Kick-off your shoes and follow this 25-minute cool-down flow. Tune in closely to the changes in your physiology as you return to baseline. Notice as your heart rate and breathing slow down. How your body temperature and energy levels change. Pay close attention to all the ways in which your body and mind transition into that optimal state of repair and restoration
Suggested Props: Blocks and Blanket
Up Next in Flow
Flow: Core Burn • Susan LoPiccolo • 3...
Get your core fired up in this all-level class. No equipment is needed and modifications are provided.
Flow: Core Crush • Sami Lea Konczewsk...
Invigorate and strengthen your center. This is a great add-on for your yoga practice or can be taken independently if you have a limited amount of time. Move through several variations of belly-up ab exercises and end with plank variations. Tune in to feel connected to your internal fire.
Flow: Craft your Crow (Bakasana) • Ha...
Learn or refine your Bakasana (Crow Pose), while also enjoying a variety of standing poses, wide legged folds, gentle spinal bends and twists, and Savasana (Corpse Pose).