Flow • Michael Ponte • 75 minutes
1h 15m
Developing a nuanced awareness of one’s body, mind, and internal experience is a complicated practice that is not always easily taught. Known for his creative sequences set to music, his verbal acuity, and his ability to disarm the pretense of any yoga room, Michael makes the learning environment warm, fun, loving, and unexpected. You will sweat, you will be challenged (you will probably also laugh a few times) and hopefully you will be re”mind”ed of the purest nature of your being - simply, Love.
Up Next in Flow
Heart-opening Flow • Kate Heffernan ...
In Kate’s classes, you can expect precise instructions to create dynamic postures that will work together to not only bring more strength and suppleness to the body, but also to bring the body, mind, and spirit into the present moment.
This specificity not only creates a challenging physical pra...
Urdhva Dhanurasana • Paulina Haduong ...
Ashtanga teacher Paulina Haduong teaches how to safely get into Urdhva Dhanurasana, upward facing bow, sometimes known as wheel pose. This is an intense backbend, and this practice is recommended after another full practice or warmup.
Flow: All-levels Ashtanga Flow • Paul...
A 45-minute Ashtanga flow that includes many of the primary series poses. Suggested props: 2 blocks.