Power: Crow pose (Bakasana) Tutorial • Brittney Burgess • 15 min
Move through preparatory poses to build a strong foundation to fly into the arm balance bakasana (Crow Pose). Brittney will take you through a mini sequence that invites you to discover the balance and alignment to lift into your crow!
Suggested Props: one block, one blanket
Up Next in Power
Flow: Foundations • Charles Jacobs • ...
In this class, you will move at a slow-moderate pace with attention to detail in alignment. Because this is a foundational class, this is great for someone who is new to Yoga and someone who is still developing their practice.
Suggested Props: Two Blocks
Power: Courage and Freedom • Brittney...
Brittney guides you through a well-rounded sequence to energize and uplift your energy. Move through variations of eagle pose to help harness the courageous and free spirit of the eagle in this powerful flow.
Suggested props: One block
Power: Deepen Your Inner Connection •...
You will sweat, build flexibility, work up to headstand, and because your body deserves deep rest and recovery, you will complete your practice with a guided Yoga Nidra meditation.
Suggested props: Two blocks