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Restorative: Supported Shoulder Stand • Franny Diaz Gilligan • 10 minutes
Relax & Renew
9m 14s
Explore the ever-changing sensations of long held inversions with Franny. Fill your asana, sarvangasana, with ease.
Props: 3 blankets, block
Up Next in Relax & Renew
Slow Flow: Chest Breathing • Masaaki ...
Afternoon slow flow focused on using the chest to support breathing
Props: 2 blocks, 3 blankets -
Restorative: Hips and Spine • David M...
David Magone guides a 50 minute low to the ground restorative practice for the hips and spine, as well as signature "bio hacking" techniques to reduce stress. This is the perfect class to end your work week.
Restorative: Evening Wind Down • Tris...
This shorter practice will prepare your body and mind for a quiet evening or sleep at the end of the day, and can also be useful at any time to calm a racing mind or restless body.
You will need 3-4 blankets (towels will work too) and a chair of any kind (a sofa or armchair will work too), and a...