Power: Strength/Flow • Braxton Rose • 35 min
Strengthen your body and build a solid foundation in this 30-minute class focused on Hips, Spine Flexibility, and Breath.
Suggested Props: Block/Pillow
Up Next in Flow
Power: Strong and Open • Brittney Bur...
This practice offers you all the strength of a power yoga flow with some heart-opening vibes! Move through salutations, twists, and backbends as you incorporate shoulder integration and chest expansion to move through your day with both support and spaciousness.
Suggested Props: Two blocks, strap
Power: The Exhale • Brittney Burgess ...
Bring ease and softness to your practice through a practice that is light on your wrists and targets opening of your hips and hamstrings. Discover the quality of your exhalation as a gateway for clearing out and an invitation to soften. This practice is for all levels.
Power: The Three Greatest Stretches •...
On a time crunch? On the run? In the airport? This 10 minute class will hit the three areas of your body that are responsible for lower back pain.
Suggested Props: Wall & Block