Power: Hip Stability • Braxton Rose • 30 min
Take your strength to a new level with this 30-minute Hip Stability class. This class will focus on creating power and flexibility in your hips to create more flexibility in your spine.
Suggested Props: Block/Water Bottle
Up Next in Power
Power: The Three Greatest Stretches •...
On a time crunch? On the run? In the airport? This 10 minute class will hit the three areas of your body that are responsible for lower back pain.
Suggested Props: Wall & Block
Power: Release and Open • Brittney Bu...
This 30 minute class focuses on strengthening and opening hips and hamstrings with the invitation to energetically release the end of one year and open to the beginning of a new year. Brittney will guide you through Sun As, a creative variation of Sun Bs and will complete class with half pigeon....
Power: Connect to Self • Eden Marcus ...
In this 40-minute Power Flow, join Eden on your mat to connect with yourself. With a focus on back strengthening and heart-opening, you will leave feeling lighter and more open.
Suggested Props: None