Inspired by the work of Ukrainian yoga master Andrey Sidersky, this class includes creative variations on standing poses, backbends, twists and hip opening poses.
Suggested props: Yoga Mat
Up Next in Flow
Power Flow: Vinyasa • Sara Bravo • 60...
In this flow, we're getting to grips with the feeling of being upside-down. This is very much for all levels, take it easy and do what feels right for you.
Suggested Props: Blocks strap and Blanket.
Power/Flow: Voyage of the Mermaid • B...
Discover the energy of spaciousness, within and around you! Move through this strong flow that focuses on your hips and heart and leads to the peak pose Mermaid (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana).
Suggested Props: 2 blocks.
Power: Hands Down, Sky High • Sami Le...
The journey towards handstand moves through peaks and valleys. Discovering sweet moments of joy in the shape are often balanced by moments of fear, anticipation, frustration, and exhaustion. We've all heard the cliches about the journey being more important than the destination, but they're out t...
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