Power: Side Plank Tutorial • Susan LoPiccolo • 25 min
Check your alignment and learn the proper form for multiple side plank variations. Find the modification and options to ensure you are getting the most from this dynamic pose. Susan will take you through the pose step by step for both forearm and high side plank variations. Finish the tutorial with a fun sequence.
Up Next in Flow
Power: Stability Flow • Brittney Burg...
Join Brittney for a soothing, yet powerful flow.
Suggested Props: Two blocks
Power: Straddle Press Handstand Works...
Move through some flow-styled drills to introduce the components of your straddle press: legs, hips, core, arms, and hands. In the end, we will put the pieces together and try to straddle press to handstand. The expectation is that you use the drills to both strengthen the body and your understan...
Power: Strength/Flow • Braxton Rose •...
Strengthen your body and build a solid foundation in this 30-minute class focused on Hips, Spine Flexibility, and Breath.
Suggested Props: Block/Pillow