Charles Jacobs

Charles Jacobs

Professional musician, power yoga and meditation teacher and sound creator, Charlie Jacobs is a force of nature. As a professional flutist and composer, Charlie “composes” each of his powerful sequences, challenging students to explore their edge while inviting all to be part of the orchestra. Because music helps us feel fully alive, his playlists are magic and his classes may contain live music. Recruited to be the Lead Trainer, Teacher and Manager of Corepower's Back Bay Boston Studio, Charlie's reputation as a dynamic and thoughtful teacher is complemented by being one of the most likable guys you'll ever meet. Charlie's deeply resonant voice and metronome-like rhythms create a grounded atmosphere that allows his compelling sequencing and dialogue to shine. Despite the vigor, Charlie's philosophical teachings are simple and impactful and his healing skills as a musician, reiki practitioner, and meditation teacher are always present. Charlie's fusion of yoga, music, and meditation welcomes students to explore their true nature while offering physical intensity, a spirit of lightness, and joyful play.

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Charles Jacobs