Claire Carroll

Claire Carroll

Claire Carroll was living in New York City in the 1980s when she came across a copy of Light on Yoga and a video of BKS Iyengar. She immediately wanted to try all of the poses, and was fascinated by Iyengar’s skillful integration of yoga philosophy with asana practice. She began practicing formally in the early 1990s when she moved to the Boston area. The precision and orderly progression of learning inherent in the Iyengar method drew her in initially and continues to guide her practice.

Claire has been a certified Iyengar teacher since 2001 and currently holds a Junior Intermediate III certificate. Many teachers, friends, and colleagues have contributed to her learning, but none more than Patricia Walden. She has also studied at the Iyengar Institute in Pune, India, several times.

In each of her classes, Claire strives to cultivate a lighthearted and supportive learning environment. She regularly weaves together physical and philosophical themes: focusing on self-study (svadhyaya) in a class emphasizing twisting poses, or building fire (tapas) in backbends. Claire moves at a brisk pace to keep the group energized, and also allows quiet moments for students to absorb the feel and intent of each asana.

In her personal practice and her teaching Claire emphasizes the asanas on the Junior Intermediate III syllabus. Claire's favorite pose is Chaturanga Dandasana, in its elegant simplicity. Chaturanga is her go-to pose for teaching oppositional movements to build steadiness and ease.

Claire also loves strong coffee ― but only off the mat.

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Claire Carroll