Relax & Renew • Kate Heffernan • 60 minutes
In Kate’s classes, you can expect precise instructions to create dynamic postures that will work together to not only bring more strength and suppleness to the body, but also to bring the body, mind, and spirit into the present moment.
This specificity not only creates a challenging physical pra...
Restore • Jojo Reger • 60 minutes
Jojo believes one of the most powerful tools to contentment and joy in life can be found by experiencing stillness and becoming quiet through a yoga practice. Her class setting is safe and sacred.
Restore • Kate Heffernan • 60 minutes
In Kate’s classes, you can expect precise instructions to create dynamic postures that will work together to not only bring more strength and suppleness to the body, but also to bring the body, mind, and spirit into the present moment.
This specificity not only creates a challenging physical pra...
Feel your Feet • Masaaki Okamura • 10 minutes
We often forget about our feet, but they are our foundation. They're also prone to injury and pain. Join Masaaki Okamura for 10 minutes of mindfulness to stretch and strengthen the feet.
Blissful Breathing • Masaaki Okamura • 15 minutes
Join Masaaki Okamura for 15 minutes of casual breathing exercises that can support and anchor you anytime you need a reset.
Suggested props: bolster, block, blanket, or chair.
Harmonize the Hips • Masaaki Okamura • 30 minutes
Masaaki's attention to anatomy and balance shine in this 30-minute slow flow that releases tension in the hips without over-stretching
Yoga Yawn for Morning or Night • Masaaki Okamura • 30 minutes
Masaaki Okamura leads a 30-minute general stretching practice that's perfect for any time of day, whether you're just waking up, need a mid-day break, or are preparing for sleep.
Cold Shoulders • Masaaki Okamura • 15 minutes
Winter weather and office work keep us hunched and shoulders tense. Reset and rediscover your range of motion with this 15-minute shoulder reset from Masaaki Okamura.
Yoga & Movement for Planes and Trains • Angie DiCiccio • 52 minutes
Restorative: Cough Recovery • Tristan Binns • 35 Minutes
Any time you have had a cough, cold, Covid, or any respiratory infection, it can be challenging to return to practice because lying down can set off a coughing response, and the body can feel stiff and sore in general. This practice will gently stretch the body to bring a sense of ease. The supin...
15 Minute Feldenkrais Lesson with Didi von Deck
Stress manifests itself in our bodies, often restricting breath and movement and leading to pain. These changes may become habits and limit our ability to feel centered and comfortable. This Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement® lesson will offer simple movements that release bodily stress and ...
30 Minute Slow Flow with Franny Diaz Gilligan
Luxuriate in the potency of slowing down with 30 minutes of Slow Flow with Franny Diaz Gilligan. This class asks you to surrender to softness and explore the depths of your breath as you gingerly move through deep stretching postures. Class finishes with a long savasana.
Suggested Props: Blanke...
Feldenkrais: Hip Opening with Ease • Didi Von Deck • 30 min
Lose the struggle and find a way to soften the back and mobiize the pelvis to allow the hips to rotate and move without effort.
Kids yoga: Keep the sea plastic free! • Emily Sullivan • 30 min
This class includes a reading of Ammu’s Bottle Boat and a yoga sequence celebrating ocean life.
Suggested props: Mat and 2 blocks -
How to Wake Up Early to do Yoga • Didi von Deck • 3 min
Get everything ready the night before and then set your intention and your alarm! It can be easier than you think to get up and out to early morning practice.
Yoga in Spanish: Meditacion • Sara Bravo • 10 min
Esta meditacion esta enfocada en parar el ritmo intenso del dia a dia para conectar con nosotros mismos a traves de la respiracion. Un momento para calmar la ansiedad y volver a un estado natural.
Props sugeridos: Cojin o Bloque -
Introduction to Iyengar: Leg Stretches • Nadja Refaie • 20 min
This sequence is geared toward students new to Iyengar yoga. Join Nadja for a sequence to stretch the legs by learning the common actions in some standing poses and downward facing dog.
Suggested Props: 2 blocks, wall
Quick tip: Neutral Spine • Susan LoPiccolo • 3 min
Finding the neutrality of your spine will allow you to make the best out of your practice.
Sutras: Sthira and Sukha • Kate Heffernan • 2 min
Kate's explanation of the Sutras: Sthira and Sukha.
Based on her yoga practice as a student and also as a teacher. -
Breaking Down Bakasana (Crow pose) • Kate Heffernan • 7 min
This practice will lead practitioners through several variations on how to do bakasana using blocks & a blanket.
Suggested props: 2 Blocks and Blanket
Yoga in Spanish: Explicacion de Bandhas • Sara Bravo • 6 min
Con esta clase teorica te explico el uso de bandhas y como activarlos durante una clase de yoga. Para que la proxima vez que practiques tengas mas consciencia corporal y mental en tu practica.
Restorative: Full Body • David Magone • 1hr
This class includes guided breath work for stress-relief, a floor based sequence of postures designed to release physical tension and calm anxiety and a full guided meditation.
Suggested Props: Bolster
Feldenkrais: Rolling and Rounding • Didi von Deck • 34 min
Rolling, rounding and lengthening will organize your back muscles and spinal vertebrae to reduce stiffness and pain and improve posture, balance and flexibility.
Suggested Props Blanket or Towel -
Flow: Forward Folding and Hamstring Stretch • Larisa F • 25 min
A simple breakdown of hamstring stretches
Suggested props: 2 blocks and blanket.